1326. When the American Elite Visited Joseph Smith in Nauvoo By Maurine Proctor · July 29, 2021, in Meridian Magazine
This is a most fascinating article about the Prophet Joseph Smith! When the American Elite Visited Joseph Smith in Nauvoo By Maurine Proctor · July 29, 2021 In May of 1844, just 45 days before Joseph Smith would be murdered in Carthage Jail, two imposing visitors arrived in Nauvoo just before midnight. They were Josiah Quincy and Charles Francis Adams from Massachusetts, both American bluebloods, born of powerful families. Adams was the grandson of John Adams and son of former president John Quincy Adams who would one day become a member of Congress and then American ambassador to England. Quincy’s father had been the mayor of Boston and the president of Harvard, and he too would become the mayor of Boston. According to Spencer McBride’s new book Joseph Smith for President , these two had set out on a grand tour of the western United States, and on May 13 th had boarded the steamboat Amaranth to travel north on the Mississippi River. They had no intent to ...