281. Tenacity is Required to become Savior's Disciples, BYU Devotiona.
I read this in the LDS Church News last night, and I really enjoyed it! Tenacity is a virtue that will help us stay committed to the right! In these days where "anything goes", it is important to live true to the Gospel! Tenacity is required to become Savior's disciples By Amber Clayson LDS Church News Published: Friday, Nov. 7 2014 12:00 p.m. MST Updated: yesterday Elder David F. Evans speaks about the importance of tenacity in the lives of Christ's disciples at the BYU devotional address in the Marriott Center Nov. 4. Mark A. Philbrick Summary Elder David F. Evans of the First Quorum of the Seventy spoke about the importance of developing tenacity at the BYU devotional in the Marriott Center on Nov. 4. LDS Church News The LDS Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The publication's content supports the doctrines, principles and practices o...