
Showing posts from January 9, 2017

782. "The Restoration" by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, From an address delivered at a seminar for new mission presidents on July 27, 2006. Great reading!

This is such a choice article, and I thought you all would enjoy it.  Part of it is the story Elder Uchtdorf told in Conference about how he first saw his wife as a teenager, but there is more to the story!  Enjoy it! The Restoration DIETER F. UCHTDORF Second Counselor in the First Presidency I would like to make this message my testimony of the “restitution of all things”—meaning, of course, the restoration of all things. This is the message and the testimony we all carry into the world. We should be grateful with all our heart to live in the time of the Restoration and to bring truth and eternal blessings to our brothers and sisters. I thank my wife, Harriet, for her witness and testimony of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. May I share with you the conversion story of my wife’s family many years ago? One Sunday when I was a teenager attending the Frankfurt Branch in Germany, the missionaries brought a young mother and her two beautiful daug...