
Showing posts from November 18, 2015

542. Surviving a Faith Crisis (and How Church Members Can Help) Great article!

If you or a loved one is experiencing a crisis in their faith, this article gives great ideas on how to not get too lost and discouraged, and to hang onto truth. Surviving a Faith Crisis (and How Church Members Can Help) by Patrick Q. Mason, adapted from "Planted: Belief and Belonging in an Age of Doubt"  | Nov. 17, 2015 Makes You Think Mormon Life Church members can experience a crisis of faith for a variety of reasons. Whether stemming from a discovery of an unflattering but true account of Church history, a negative interaction with a Church leader, or a recent change in the  Church Handbook,  each person’s reason is valid and should be treated as such. Here are ways those experiencing a faith crisis can cope, as well as ways loving members can support them. Anatomy of a Faith Crisis For many people who undergo a faith crisis of profound propor­tions, their whole world comes crashing down because that world ha...