
Showing posts from November 10, 2015

536. Are some of the very elect being deceived? 2 Blogs on the new Church LGBT Policy worth reading!

Are some of the elect being deceived right now?  I remember in the 1950's as a teenager, hearing that the day would come when many (or at least some) members would leave the Church.  That was quite a peaceful time in Church History, especially here in Utah, after the persecution of early Saints.  We wondered what could possibly cause that to happen!  Jump forward to the last few years, and we can see how worldly opinions are seeping into the membership , and some people are feeling the Church should change for the times.  Absolutely not!   In the Prophet Joseph Smith's day, the Church was ridiculed, persecuted, and aligned on every side.     I had many faithful ancestors who endured that persecution, and came to Utah.  Many of their stories are on this blog.   If that is to be our lot also, let's stay faithful!  Those who fell away then, and those who do now, will simply lose out on many blessings.  They have not caugh...