956. A Loving Perspective on Difficult Children By Wallace Goddard · November 27, 2017, in Meridian Magazine. Very perceptive!
A compassionate article about difficult children -- or perhaps you don't have difficult children! A Loving Perspective on Difficult Children By Wallace Goddard · November 27, 2017 Sign up for Meridian’s Free Newsletter, please CLICK HERE When 3 year-old Ian comes to visit his adoring Papa, we fall easily and naturally into joyous companionship. We play with wind-up toys. We “cook” meals with play dough. We pop popcorn and watch Robots yet again. Loving him is easy. But what about the child who is harder—who is too loud, too negative, too demanding, or too hyper—the child who grates on our nerves? How in the world do parents get a loving perspective on difficult children? That is where God invites us to grow. As I regularly say, irritation is an invitation. We can stay stuck in our this-child-is-a-mess view or we can choose to open our hearts to the child. We can see all the muck in a fallen child or we can see the glory just barel...