
Showing posts from January 13, 2015

334. 4 Ways to Help Your Teen Go to Seminary, and love it!

I found this on LDS Living, and thought it may be helpful to someone out there.  I know I have had grandchildren who have had a hard time to keep up their attendance in Seminary.  I hope and pray for all our dear youth! 4 Ways to Help Your Teen Go to Seminary (and Be Happy About It) JASON HARWOOD -  Does your teen drag their feet on their way to seminary? Here's how you can help them learn to love it! Remember the good ol’ days? It was one of your favorite classes in high school. With the object lessons, the Tom Trails slide shows, the songs, and the touch of spirituality that added to every day. But now, it seems like your teenager hasn’t yet grasped how fun and important seminary can be and simply doesn’t want to go. Is there anything that you can do? Here are a few things you might try. Fast and pray, first. Before we rush into all the great ways you can persuade your children to attend seminary, don’t forget to get help from your best source: Heave...