
Showing posts from July 24, 2017

887. Celebrating Pioneer Day, July 24th, I've reposted an entry about my Great Grandfather, Samuel Miles, a 3 time pioneer.

I first shared this on October 10, 2014.  This is a brief history of my great-grandfather, Samuel Miles.  He was in the Mormon Battalion, and a pioneer in 3 different cities during his lifetime.  He had many fascinating experiences.  This entry tells some about him.  You can find more under his name, under "Labels".  Today on July 24th, we talked about pioneer stories, and had a big family dinner, with small great-grandchildren sliding on the back lawn on a plastic water slide, etc.  The pioneers would have been so amazed to see what has become of the heritage they left.  Sadly, too many don't appreciate it! 248. Short History of Samuel Miles, great grandfather, pioneer, Mormon Battalion, Patriarch. Samuel Miles wrote a detailed journal, and I put it in entries # 128, 130, 133, and 134, if you'd like to find them and read them.  They were back in April, 2014.  He lived a fascinating life!           ...