
Showing posts from January 26, 2015

341. 3 Ways the Book of Mormon Stands Up To Critics

This is a great new article which I just read today from LDS Living!  You'll love it!  I will add my testimony to the many which have been given -- that I know it to be a true translation by a modern day Prophet, Joseph Smith! 3 Ways the Book of Mormon Stands Up to Critics RANDAL A. WRIGHT - When it comes to the origin of the Book of Mormon, there are two possibilities: either Joseph Smith translated it or he wrote it — and either way would have taken a miracle. Learn three reasons behind why. As Elder Mark E. Petersen observed, “The Book of Mormon is a literary and a religious masterpiece, and is far beyond even the fondest hopes or abilities of any farm boy” (“It Was a Miracle!”  Ensign , November 1977, 11). From its discovery to its translation and publication, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon was simply miraculous—and the book itself continues to be a miracle in the lives of people all over the world. Here are three reasons why the Book of Mo...