340. New post by Brian Mickelson, "Thomas S. Monson, Maddox Restaurant, and Crab.."
This is a new post of Brian Mickelson today. It is a sweet story about a small service Pres. Monson did. People remember small kindnesses, and I hope we will all try to find some small kindness, even a smile, that we can do for someone today. New post on Brian Mickelson.... Thomas S. Monson, Maddox Restaurant, and Crab…. by BJM Since my grandmother passed away a few weeks ago I've been stopping in to see my grandfather each week on my way home from work. I love the visits. I ask him a bunch of questions and he tells stories to answer. I'm learning a lot... For example: Years ago Grandma and Grandpa were enjoying a meal at Maddox (if you live anywhere near Northern Utah and don't know Maddox, stop reading, get up from your chair, and drive to Brigham City right now...get this problem solved). I don't know what Grandpa was eating, but Grandma had ordered crab. Apparently she wasn't super experienced with cracking crab open, et...