
Showing posts from December 11, 2017

963. "Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children -- " President Russell M. Nelson in our Stake Conference this past weekend, Dec. 9 and 10, 2017

Our Stake Conference, with President Russell M. Nelson and others!  Dec. 9th and 10th, 2017     We were excited for around 2 weeks when they announced that President Russell M. Nelson, his wife Wendy, and also Elder Berne S. Broadbent of the 70's, and his wife Suzanne would be our visiting General Authorities! Our Stake President McReynolds, in his talk Sunday morning first of all mentioned how people asked him if he was nervous with Pres. Nelson coming.  He said that he figured that Pres. Nelson could literally see into his heart!  and see if he needed a "valve job"!   He talked about last year's youth conference in which they enacted several Book of Mormon scenes.  One was having a long 500 foot rope, which was the "rod of iron" mentioned in Lehi's dream.  There were leaders along the way, taking the part of tempters, trying to get them to leave the "rod of iron", and go do something fun -- such as a video game, sports, food, etc...