531. 10 Reasons You Should Be Mormon! Great article from "Mormon Life".
This is a delightful article I found on Mormon Life. I love these 10 reasons also, and they are a great part of my faith! 10 Reasons You Should Be Mormon by Steffany Ruby Faldmo | Oct. 20, 2015 Mormon Life DISCLAIMER: This post is meant to only share what I believe and invite you to learn more. Please do not take offense. Most people know that I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Since that's a mouthful, we are also nicknamed "Mormons." That is only because we read The Book of Mormon alongside the Bible. It's another record of Jesus Christ, only it takes place in ancient America. It is an awesome book that has changed my life! But the main reason I'm writing this post is because I LOVE being Mormon, and I want you to know why! So here are 10 reasons YOU should be Mormon, too. (There are billions more, but 10 seemed like a good starting point.) 1. Jesus Ch...