
Showing posts from September 27, 2014

236. My musical biography -- for

I was asked to write a musical biography for "Music House Publications", where I have some music on the internet.  I decided to use that as my entry today.  I hope it is interesting to you readers.                                 MUSIC RUNS IN MY VEINS ! I was blessed to be born to two very musical people, as their first child.  My father, Orson Pratt Miles, had a beautiful tenor voice, and my mother Ruth Allen Miles, had a beautiful soprano voice.   Pratt, as my father was called, grew up in St. George, Utah, without the convenience of television, radio or movies, and groups of young people loved to get together and sing.    On his Church mission to Tennessee he sang in duets and quartets.  One quartet sang over the biggest radio station in Memphis, Tennessee.  He brought a duet music book home from Tennessee and while working in a Church group with Ruth Allen, a...