
Showing posts from April 29, 2016

624. Caring More About Caring Less -- How to not worry about things we can do nothing about!

This is such a good article!  It reminds me of a situation in my past, in which I had an experience similar to what he describes.  I'll tell about it at the end of the article. It comes from the blog below called "Middleagedmorjmonman."  Middle Aged Mormon Man -- The link is below: Caring More About Caring Less MMM Apr 24, 2016 22 Are you worried? Losing sleep? Feeling stressed? Are politics freaking you out? How about ISIS? The Zika virus? Personally, I worry about many great and important things. And stupid things. And, occasionally, crazy things. You? We might just be wasting our time. Our energy. Our emotional health. Even our spiritual health. I’m sure I’ll get some pushback here, but I am convinced that sometimes it would be in the best interest of our physical, spiritual and emotional health, and the people around, us to sometimes care  le...

623. Have You Shared Your Heritage of Heavenly Help?, by Darla Isackson, in Meridian Magazine

These are great ideas for your journal, and writing your life story.  I saved this from February, and it is great anytime! Have You Shared Your Heritage of Heavenly Help? By Darla Isackson  · February 4, 2016 Have you recorded family stories of miracles, large and small? Have you told your children and grandchildren of the dark night of your soul when you called out to the Lord with all your heart and knew, perhaps for the first time, that He was real, and that He loved you? Have you written the experience in your journal? If you died tomorrow, how many important stories would die with you? Are you showing how much you value the family stories that validate the caring and amazing interventions of the Lord in the lives of your ancestors as well as your own? If you never had another chance, what would you most regret not saying, not writing? My dear friend, Patricia Potts asked herself those questions and decided to write “Why I Believe What I Believe,” ...