1069. China - # 2 - Terracotta Warriors, and elegant furniture!
Some of this information I got from the Internet -- It explains it better than I can! I'll put some of it in italics, to show what I got from the internet. The Terracotta Warriors are one of the must-visit attractions for all travelers to China. The dramatic exhibition reveals the secrets behind the 2,000-year-old army of clay statues that guarded the tomb of China’s first emperor until a chance discovery in 1974. A farmer was digging a well, and found some pottery shards, in 1974. I'm not sure just how he reported his find, but our guide Peter told us that after they found the beginnings of the warriors, the farmer was given another piece of ground to farm, and what was about $20.00! In China, the government owns all the land, and people rent land, or an apartment in a high rise building, etc. These were statues for sale in the museum, but not the real ones found. . First I will show photos I took, and then some information...