325. Wisdom and reality in making New Year's Resolutions: "Keeping Life's Demands in Balance."
I found this on mormonchannel.org. It has a lot of wisdom in it!. Why You've Been Setting Goals Wrong We’ve all set goals at the new year. We’ve all attempted to keep them. We’ve all failed. That might be a sign that you’re doing it wrong. It’s a ritual for a lot of us. Just as you’re packing away the Christmas decorations and drinking the last of the eggnog, you anticipate the new year and picture the possibilities. You dream of all the goals you could accomplish. • Lose 30 pounds. • Run a marathon. • Start a business and make a million dollars. Setting goals? That’s easy. Achieving goals? That’s another story. Fast-forward a few weeks. You haven’t lost any weight. One of these days, when you finally have some free time, you’re going to start running. And you still can’t figure out what that new business is going to be. You’re too busy making PB&Js, paying the bills, and spot treating laundry. Elder M. Russell Ballard learned a lesson almost 20...