
Showing posts from November 30, 2015

548. "God Told Me to Give You This" -- A lovely Christmas story, and thoughts of giving to others.

This is a lovely Christmas story.  I like to read and share uplifting stories and ideas.  After a very busy Thanksgiving with 28 people in our home for dinner. I have just been resting a couple of days after everyone left to go home.  I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving, and now we enter on the most giving time of the year -- Christmas!  I hope this blog brings cheer to all! "God Told Me to Give You This:" The Surprising Way One Christmas Card Traveled Hundreds of Miles to Answer a Prayer by M.C. Sutton  | Nov. 28, 2015 Makes You Think Mormon Life  From LDS Living "And the greatest of these?" asked Emma. "The Connection," answered Jon. "That which binds us all together. And to the world around us." -from "Book 5: One Voice Shall Rise" "Can we help them?" "Sure," answers Josh as he glances in the rearview mirror before pulling onto th...