
Showing posts from December 23, 2016

767. Extra today! -- Lovely short video --Why We Need a Savior — A Christmas message about our Savior Jesus Christ...


766. Today is the Prophet Joseph Smith's birthday! 211 years ago today he was born!

This year, 2016, I reconfirm my testimony which has been shared 4 times now -- 2013, 2014, 2015, and now 2016. I have loved the Prophet Joseph Smith, and learning about him as long as I can consciously remember!   I was born of goodly parents who also loved him and taught me of him.  I love to read of his life and teachings.  I know that he is a true prophet!  This same entry was posted on his birthday since I started this post in 2013 (with alterations each year).  I hope you enjoy reading it!  (in 2014) I hope whoever reads this has a few minutes to ponder these testimonies about the Prophet Joseph Smith, whose birthday is today.  Part of these words were written last year on this day, and probably will again next year! --------------------------------------------   It is actually impossible to even understand how much the Prophet Joseph Smith has done for all of us, and this world.  It will last through the Millenium and to the end of the world.    The Gosp