657. ‘Tell Me About When You Were Little’. Children and Storytelling – The Stories They Need to Hear, from Hey Sigmund.
This article from Hey Sigmund is so interesting. It is not an LDS site, but has wise articles often which agree with our Gospel and how we love families. My own mother, Ruth Allen Miles, was a school teacher for 40 years. But as we were growing up, my 2 sisters and I could talk to her about anything. She would remember an experience in her own life which was similar to the current situation we were in, or problem we were having. She would tell about how she had felt when she was our age, and facing similar problems. Several of our friends came to talk to our mother when they felt they couldn't talk to their own mothers. There are great ideas in this article about telling your own children about your life. Keep the family stories alive by telling them! This is especially appropriate as our granddaughter had our latest great grandchild last night -- invitro, as her husband had leukemia and a bone marrow transplant about 3 years ago! Th...