1009. Lots of family pictures, and a video made in November, 2015, about 3 months before Wayne passed away.
I first posted this on February 19th, 2014, and I will put an update or two with it. I'm sorry -- I don't think I put the video in right. I'll have to have someone show me how, and do it later. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2014 101. More fun family photos -- Miscellaneous glimpses of the past! I have many photos of the family over the years. It is hard to choose which to publish, as they all are so precious and each one brings out many memories. Everyone in each of our children's families has such a wonderful enduring place in our hearts. This video was made in November, 2015. Our nephew, Russell Wright, a bishop, asked Wayne to make a video about indexing, that he could show in his ward in Spanish Fork. When Wayne passed away he had done 685,070 names indexing, and 74,000 arbitrating! Adding a quote on February 22, 2018. Elder Howard W. Hunter taught, “Throughou...