
Showing posts from June 29, 2015

451. Legalization of same-sex marriage, and 10 things we can do to stay strong in truth. From Meridian Magazine!

Our family in 1975, before our oldest son went on his mission to Ecuador. A "normal" family, with a mother and father!  This article is well worth reading every word!  Even though it is about the United States of America, it can affect people all over the world who believe in the "traditional family."  I'm afraid other countries who do not recognize "Gay" marriages now will be influenced by it.  -----  Since I wrote this, I found the  information below which is appalling and alarming.  WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO ? ? ?  I guess it is part of the wickedness which has been prophesied before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.   As of June 26, 2015: To date: 23 countries have legalized same-sex marriage: Argentina (2010), Belgium (2003), Brazil (2013), Canada (nationwide 2005), Denmark (2012), Finland (eff. 2017) France (2013), Greenland (Oct. 2015) Iceland (2010), Ireland (eff. TBD) Luxembourg (2015), Mexico (nationwide, eff. ...