
Showing posts from December 1, 2021

1364. Why Did Emma Smith Remain in Nauvoo after the Death of Joseph Smith? By Book of Mormon Central · November 30, 2021, in Meridian Magazine

This is so interesting!  Well researched and factual!   Why Did Emma Smith Remain in Nauvoo after the Death of Joseph Smith? By  Book of Mormon Central  · November 30, 2021 View the article  on Book of Mormon Central . “And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., thy husband, in his afflictions, with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness. And thou shalt go with him at the time of his going.” Doctrine and Covenants 25:5–6 The Know Emma Smith was one of the most important leaders in the early Church. As a newlywed of less than a year, she was present at the Hill Cumorah when Joseph Smith received the gold plates from the angel Moroni on September 22, 1827. She was one of the earliest scribes of the Book of Mormon translation and left behind a significant historical record that broadens our understanding of how and when the translation of the Book of Mormon occurred. Devoted to her husband and to her faith, Emma wa...