
Showing posts from October 21, 2021

1350. Do Your Prayers Have Power? By Joni Hilton · October 20, 2021, in Meridian Magazine

 Have you  had prayers answered?  And did you recognize the answer? Do Your Prayers Have Power? By  Joni Hilton  · October 20, 2021 The following is excerpted from the book, The Power of Prayer by Joni Hilton (Covenant Communications). Prayer is an ingenious gift from a Father who misses His children. He gave us this amazing tool in hopes that we would “call home” frequently and not lose touch. But it is more than just a way to stay in contact—it is a way to unlock the very powers of heaven, the key to a treasure box. Prayer can actually precipitate miracles. The real purpose of prayer is to refine your desires to match God’s and to be of ultimate service to Him. It is to help you see things from an eternal perspective, so that you will ask for help in developing the strengths you need to meet your tasks. It is finding out what God wants for you, not telling God what you want for yourself. Many of us learn to pray by following a basic list of four main parts of ...