
Showing posts from October 31, 2014

274. "So Swiftly Fly The Years" -- from when our children were young!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! I can relate to this article in Meridian Magazine on Oct. 30th, because it is what I have been through!  Only yesterday I was sort of complaining to my husband, about how busy our children are, doing exactly what we did years ago, and that our lives are not filled with tight schedules and places to go.  Have fun, all you families with children, especially on this HALLOWEEN NIGHT!  We have only 15 or 20 visit our home now, as we don't live on a busy street.  ENJOY THE MOMENTS! This was our family in 1975, just before our oldest, Wayne M., left for his mission to Ecuador.  On the back row was Wayne, (Dad) then Anita, 16, Allen, 15, McKay 13, and Pal, (me).  Bottom row was Wayne M., 19, holding Jeremy, almost 1, Pamela, 5, Delsy, 17, Angela 10,  and Tacy 8. BUSY YEARS! PARENTING Swiftly Fly the Years By Darla Isackson  · October 30, 2014 The “I’ve had it with these kids” tone in her voice was...