680. GREAT ARTICLE! What are You Doing with Your Personal Influence? By Anne Hinton Pratt, in Meridian Magazine.
This is one of the most powerful articles I have read for a long time! I hope I can remember it's message, and be a light to others! I hope it will make a difference in how I act each day! What are You Doing with Your Personal Influence? By Anne Hinton Pratt · August 3, 2016 We are powerful beings. We have the capacity to elevate other human beings to the highest heights, or to transport them to the very depths of hell. We are all tuning forks that others can sense and attune to. What are we broadcasting? Is it joy? Love? Light? Peace? I vividly remember an experience I had one day in the temple. I had felt “out of sorts” about something or other when I arrived, but as I sat at the beginning of the session, I happened to glance into the eyes of an unfamiliar woman in the front. She had the most calming effect on me. Her eyes felt like a sea of glass, and my previous agitation instantly melted away as her stillness permeated throughout my so...