167. New post by Brian Mickelson which is so timely! It is truly worth reading the whole thing!
New post on Brian Mickelson.... Are Mormons Being Excommunicated for Questioning? by BJM A screen grab from Kate Kelly's Facebook wall... The news media has reported that two Mormons are facing excommunication for questioning the LDS Church's policies, doctrines, and history*. I'm certainly not privy to the details of their situations, as I don't know either of them, nor do I know their local congregational leaders (not that they would share any details since they are under an obligation not to divulge those details to other parties). But, I think there are a few misunderstandings floating around out there about these, and related, situations that I'd like to discuss... First of all, I wish all the best to Kate Kelly and John Dehlin. I don't know their hearts, and only hope that their stories are eventually full of faith and happy outcomes. Secondly, I don't think either one of them is facing the possibility of excommunication for ...