
Showing posts from September 16, 2016

702. Study has found Self-Control to be one of the Most important Predictors of Success in Children. Great article by Hey Sigmund.

      This is a great article, with true wisdom.  I do believe children were taught         this quality much more in times past, probably through necessity.  Today           children in general are more likely to insist on their own desires                         immediately, and don't have the self control to wait.  A Landmark Study Has Found Self-Control to be One of the Most Important Predictors of Success – Here’s How to Increase Self-Control In Children Posted by  Karen - Hey Sigmund The need for self-control can feel like a tease at times and a bit of a pity, but its influence is spectacularly powerful. A landmark study conducted over three decades has found that the level of self-control children have as five-year olds, is one of the greatest predictors of their health, wealth and success as adults. Knowing h...