1394. Why Older Adults Should Eat More Protein To Prevent Disability, from "My Miracle Tea" monthyly newsletter!
This product: "My Miracle Tea" is truly a miracle -- natural products which detox your body, and help keep bowels regular! I take it and so do my sisters! I am 87, and it is a life saver. You may want to check them out! I'm not getting anything for telling you about this. I just thought this article was so valuable I wanted to print it for all you dear readers! They send a monthly newsletter, and this just came! Why Older Adults Should Eat More Protein To Prevent Disability Now that I'm fully a senior (I turn 68 in May) my eyes are wide open to the years ahead. What we CAN do and what we MUST do to both build and preserve strength and independence is a very important matter that won't go away, won't get joked away, and can't be delayed. Fact: It takes time and is really NOT optional. I joked with a friend this week, "It's kind of like a job that needs to be done every day ... to delay the jo...