795. 4 Important Things Your Children Need to Hear (by Scott Groza) from Hey Sigmund -- Great article, even for grandparents!
This article reminds us of what a great example we always are, whether we want to be or not! 4 Important Things Your Children Need to Hear (by Scott Groza) Posted by Karen - Hey Sigmund A photo taken many years ago of some of our children, and their cousins! As parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and teachers, there is no more important of a job than raising the kids in our lives into successful adults. It would seem as if they are like little sponges, soaking up every bit of the environment around them. They will even pick up on things you didn’t realize they know about. Being an amazing role model can often be difficult at times. How we react during times of stress, like those times in a fit of road rage or when we accidentally drop something on our foot, is how they will often react to those things too. Sometimes, we’re not exactly sure what to say or how to discipline. It’s not just our actions they take to heart, but how we talk to...