
Showing posts from December 27, 2014

321. Brian Mickelson's latest post on doing FAMILY HISTORY WORK!

With the New Year coming, it would be an excellent time to make a goal of doing more FAMILY HISTORY WORK! I'm not sure where I got this old photo, and I honestly don't know who they are, but the photo is so interesting!  If you recognize any, let me know! I've taken the liberty of putting some of our old photos inserted in Brian Mickelson's article.  Each of these have a story, and want their Temple work done, if it hasn't been already.  I love genealogy and Temple work! New post on  Brian Mickelson.... From the Other Side of the Veil: “Please Try and Help Us…” by  BJM I had an interesting, though not-as-dramatic-as-it-is- going-to-sound, experience  on Saturday ... I had spent a week and a half  planning  to do  family history  work. But projects got in the way, and nothing came of it. Finally, I determined to sit down and just do something. Anything , really. So I spent about three hours browsin...