607. Provo City Center Temple Dedication, and my chance to play the Salt Lake Tabernacle Organ.
Today brought back many memories of various times in my life. I have been to 2 Temple dedications, as I remember, of temples dedicated here in Utah, via watching on a large screen in our chapel. Also the beautiful hymn, my favorite, "The Spirit of God" was sung, and I have a special story about that. Those of my readers, did you hear, about 5 years ago of the really elegant tabernacle, with spires, etc., in Provo which burned down, with only the shell of brick remaining? It was quite a landmark at the time, and many important people, musicians, Church, etc., had spoken and entertained there. Well, awhile after they decided to revive it, and make it into a Temple. It was quite an undertaking, as only the brink walls remained. They had to secure them, and do a lot to keep them from falling down, while they totally rebuilt the interior. The temple by the MTC is used so much by the missiona...