80. An interesting variety of more family photos!

Dear folks out there, everywhere! I still have lots of pioneer stories, and a lot is happening in my extended family, and close friends.  

I'm putting on more family pictures tonight -- and prayers to any of you who read this, and are having really difficult times.  Know that I would be there to hug you, pray with you, or simply listen, if that would help.  If any of you would like to e mail me, my new e mail is:  paralee.eckman@gmail.com

                                                       Wayne and Blaine (twins) in the army in 1954
 Oh, how Wayne loves baseball!  He was on the Dixie College baseball team the spring of 1956.

                                He wanted a picture taken that showed his number!

   This was taken just before McKay opened up his mission call in 1982 -- the call was to Taipei, Taiwan!  Have any of you been in on a missionary opening his call?  You can see his feelings in his face!

             I have this photo of our daughters Pam on the left, and Tacy on the right, somewhere in color!  I'll try to find it!  Taken around 1985

 My dear sister, Delsy, who was 10 years older than I, from my father's first marriage.  She passed away from toxemia about 3 weeks before her first baby would have been born, -- married to Andrew Barnum.
   My dear mother, Ruth Allen Miles had a beautiful soprano voice and had the lead in some operas here at Dixie College in the early 1920's.  Above she is in one of the costumes she wore.
 Wayne's dear identical twin brother, Blaine, who passed away 15 years ago, come March.  Oh how Wayne misses him!  He dreams about him very often.
 Wayne's dear mother, Gladys Dayton Eckman, -- who knew she could ride a bike?  (I can't!) But she never did learn to drive a car!  She was 4 ft. 10 inches tall, and had 9 children.  Quite a lovely, and strong lady!
 Our dear son Allen, just before he left on his mission to Thailand!  He was so excited when he opened his call that he picked me up and swung me around, and I had to go to a chiropractor to get put back together!

Allen's son Curtis, and his wife, Peggy, at their wedding -- in 2005.  He now works for the American Red Cross in Texas and is a coordinator for 48 counties -- for emergency management of natural disasters, etc.  They just bought a lovely home, have 3 children.

I hope life is good for all of you dear  "cyber" friends!  I'd like to know something about those who do read this blog, if you feel inclined to let me know!


Unknown said…
It was fun to see these pictures!

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