704. My youngest son, Jeremy's birthday today! "This Is Your Life" Jeremy!

I had my last child, Jeremy Miles Eckman, 42 years ago today!

He had 5 older sisters, and 3 older brothers, and "older" parents, as I would turn 40 in 2 weeks.  He was so loved by us all, especially his 5 older sisters, who loved to dress him up, and take care of him.  I remember, as we lived in Sandy at the time, how he would love to go into our garden in the back yard, and eat whatever he could -- mostly peas from the pod -- as it was growing.  He was so good-natured and happy.  As our next oldest, Pamela, was almost 4 years older, he and I spent many happy hours together, going places and talking a lot.  He loved to learn about anything and everything.

This first family picture is of our family when Jeremy was about 9 months old.  His older brother Wayne, who had come home from college at age 18, to see his youngest brother was ready to go on his mission.  Jeremy's next oldest brother was 11 years older, and Allen was 13 1/2 years older than he was, so he was taken good care of by his sisters! 

Jeremy about age 1.

This picture was taken during the only 3 months we all lived together in the same house.  Wayne had been away to college, and when he came home from his mission in Ecuador some were married or off to college.

Jeremy, about age 2.

Jeremy showed his amazing musical talent early in his life.  When he was 3 years old he could sing perfectly on pitch.  When he was 8 years old I began teaching him to play the piano.  After about 3 years of my teaching, we started him with other teachers, and he really blossomed.  

By the time he was in high school, he could play so well he won honors in piano competitions.  He not only learned many classics, but became very proficient in playing Ragtime.  

He enjoyed nature, and even the snakes that his older brother Allen would bring home!

This is of his brother Allen and him having fun.  They really loved their younger brother, even though all three brothers were much older!

Jeremy played the keyboard at his sister Delsy's wedding when he was about 16 years old.  

Jeremy, also about age 16.  He is highly intelligent, and did well in all subjects.  He received a scholarship to college in piano performance.

His daughter Jessica is so dear to him, and he has been such a loving and attentive father to her.  They both lived with us in our home for 3 years.  After high school and marriage, and some college, he became a carpenter, and is an excellent framer of homes, some of which have been in the Parade of Homes locally.

During the time he lived here, he taught several piano students, and they progressed rapidly.  He is an amazing piano teacher.  He took from several teachers, the last of which was Lu Jennings for 6 years.  She was the Dixie College piano teacher, and at that time he learned his (in my opinion) crowning classical piece, "Fantasie Impromptu" by Chopin.  That particular piece has 3 notes in the left hand to be coordinated with 4 notes in the right hand.  A very difficult thing to do.  I can remember him--his hands tapping it out in 12 beats, to be able to master it.  His teacher thought it was too difficult for him, so he almost mastered it on his own and then played it for his teacher!

One of my favorite pictures of Jeremy, when he was about 26 years old.  He inherited the thick hair from my father, who at age 84 had a full head of beautiful white hair.  Jeremy still has the thick wavy hair at age 42, which makes him look younger, and it hasn't gone grey yet!

 His lovely daughter Jessica, about 14 in this picture, has beautiful strawberry blond hair, and shares the same birthday as him!

A few years ago, when he was dressed up to go to a college homecoming dance.  He went back to college then, received his Associate's Degree, and also his CNA training, and worked as a CNA awhile.  The elderly people loved him, and also his piano playing for them!

Jeremy, more recently,  He doesn't like to have his picture taken!

Taken more recently.  Also in the last 10 years or so, we have presented several concerts in the St. George Tabernacle, and he has played many times there, both classical and ragtime.

Jeremy, playing on the Steinway piano in the St. George Tabernacle in a concert.

His beautiful daughter Jessica, recently, studying music at college.

He is now engaged and will be married in the spring to a wonderful woman we all absolutely love!  She brings out the best in him.  More about that after the wedding in March, 2017.  He is so good me, and was to his dad Wayne.  I could write much more, but this gives you an idea of what Jeremy is like -- loving, intelligent, talented, and endearing!

We had 3 family birthdays in a row, Wayne, my husband's birthday was on September 18th, Anita's was on September 19th, and you can read about her on my entry # 240 on October 2, 2014. 


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