1004. Happy Valentine's Day (soon)! Family Wedding Pictures, by 2018, through the years!

This is an updated version of my Valentine Post!  as of Feb. 14th, 2018.
 This was first written in 2014 ---  and updated as marriages happened!

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, ALL!  Wayne and I had a tradition for many years on Valentine's Day, and on our Wedding Anniversary -- Wayne was so thoughtful and always gave me a gift that had a feminine flair!  The little tradition involves something Wayne found years ago, and between special days, it has had a spot in our storage cabinet.  He got up earlier than I did, and had it all set up and lighted!  A fun TRADITION ! ! Anita took pictures of it.

We tried a black background, and a white one, so I'll put both on.  As you can see, it has a cord, and when plugged in, the roses have a light inside!  A simple thing, but it is a TRADITION! !

I'm posting this early, and hope you all enjoy this, and your own special people who are your "Valentines"!

These photos below are not in any particular order!  Us, our parents, and the grandparents we have photos for, mostly wedding pictures.  We do have pictures of other ancestors, some of which are on the blog already.  but we will add them later, with their stories.  If you'd like to read more about someone here, please go to their names under "labels" on the blog home page, and click, and it will bring up the blogs that include stories about them.   My parents are in several blogs, which you can find by their names.  I'll put some others on here ---

                      Pal's parents, Pratt and Ruth Miles, taken about the time they were married, in 1933.

Pratt and Ruth, Pal's parents, about 1950, before we were married in 1955. 

    Pal's great grandparents, Samuel and Hannah Marinda Miles, pioneers in St. George. Story on                                                                                blog # 79.

                                  Pal's sister Vina and her husband, Bud, who live in LaVerkin, Utah.

   Our daughter Delsy, and her husband Gordon Nielson, when married.
Delsy and her dad Wayne, walking down the isle!  


                                      Delsy and Gordon's daughter, Amanda Nielson, and Brent Peterson.                                                                They were married on June 22, 2013, in Canada.

Delsy's son Mathew (Matt) Kramer and his bride, Shanna Beacham.

Matt and Shanna.

 Our son, McKay, and Kim Lu Eckman, on their wedding invitation.  Their wedding picture is on                                                                                  blog # 40.

                       This is a picture of McKay and Kim with her parents, when they were married.
                             Her parents came over from Taiwan to be here for the wedding.
                  We needed an interpreter to talk to them.  They were lovely, refined and educated people!
                       Wayne's parents, Gladys and Roy Eckman, when married.  Story on blog # 93.

       Pal's father's parents, "Gus" and "Pal" Miles, lived in St. George, and came as children when their parents were pioneers in St. George in 1861-1821.  William Gustavus's story is on blog # 58, and Paralee's (the original Grandma Pal) story is on blog # 29.

         Our daughter Pamela, and her husband Robert Nicholson, the day they were married.  They                                                                         now have 7 children.

This is Pam and Robert's daughter Skye, and Merick Durtschi, at their marriage.

       Our daughter Tacy's wedding line, Tacy and Dan DeSantis, both sets of parents, and our                                                  daughters as bridesmaids.  I made all those blue dresses!

                              Tacy and Dan now have 3 children, and one grandson.
Tacy's daughter Calli Ann, and her husband Chris Albano, taken on their wedding day.

Our son Allen, and Holli Atkinson Eckman's wedding picture, and parents.

                            Our grandson, Curt and his wife Peggy Eckman, Allen and Holli's son.

Allen and Holli's daughter Marion, and Mike Cardwell, at their marriage. They have a son, 1 year old.

This is their son Allen (Jr.) and Debbie his new wife, at their wedding. They have a son 5 months old.

This is Chris, Allen and Holli's son, and his new wife Heather McDonald.

                  Wayne M. Eckman and Julie Cox, engagement picture, on their wedding invitation.

                          Their wedding day! They have 3 children, and 7 grandchildren now.

Wayne and Julie's oldest son Josh, and his wife Tiffany.  They now have 5 children.

Our granddaughter Melissa (Missy) Eckman, Wayne's and Julie's daughter, and Willie Beavers wedding picture.  They have been through quite a challenge of their own.  Willie has had lukemia, then chemo, and a bone marrow transplant, and is now doing good from having leukemia.  She had a blog "Strength For Willie" that inspired me to write this blog.  Now 2018, Willie is doing well, and they have a baby boy over a year old!

          Our wedding picture, September 24, 1955.  We had 9 children, all of whom are still living.  We           have 29 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren.  With the extra bonus grand and great
        grandchildren from Reed and Danielle we have 37 grandchildren, and 30 great grandchildren!

This is Wayne and Pal taken around 1970, after about 15 years of marriage.

We had this taken about 3 years before Wayne passed away, after 55 years of marriage.

         Our daughter Angela, and Michael Bulloch, wedding picture, with parents, and bridesmaids.

           This is Mike and Angie about 4 or 5 years ago.  They have 3 children and one granddaughter.

    Pal's mother's parents, Levinah Emeline and John Butler Allen's wedding picture, taken in 1893 when they were married in the Manti Temple.  Levinah is mentioned on several blogs.  Check their names in the "labels" column.

Wayne's twin brother Blaine Eckman, and his wife Joyce, wedding picture.

 These are Wayne's mother Gladys's parents, Ann Henwood and Joseph Henry Dayton, when married.  
  These are Wayne's mother Gladys Dayton's maternal grandparents, pioneers from England.  Their stories are on blogs # 68 and 69.  They were parents of Ann Henwood above, who married Joseph Henry Dayton

Anita and Reed Lunnen, at their marriage.  Reed is the youngest brother of Anita's dad's twin brother Blaine's wife!  So Anita now is also an aunt to her first cousins!

The picture of their engagement!

 Anita's son Sam at his marriage to Rebecca (Becca) Francom.

Anita's son Ben at his engagement to Ashlee Shipp.
A wedding picture is below.


Jeremy, our son, at his marriage to Danielle Bennett.  

  We hope you enjoy seeing them, and also have your own traditions, and couple pictures.  We hope we aren't missing any that should have been here.  These are all we have.  Please send us some if we're missing them, and we'll put them on soon!  

                                  Happy Valentine's Day again!


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