1389. About Roots Tech 2022, and special ways to connect with your family!

 I've been watching a lot of Roots Tech for March 3rd, 4th, and 5th 2022.  This is such a beautiful video and if you have about an hour to watch it, you'll learn so much about Elder Ulisses Soares, and his wife, and also about Rio De Janario.  It is really interesting, tells their story, how they met, etc.

Please copy and paste on this link, and the one at the bottom to access them!


I'm leaving Monday to Arizona to spend a week with my daughter Tacy, and her husband Dan, and also their children and grandchildren.  I hope you have a great week, and can go to the link below and enjoy many of the classes which are free, and available up to a year.  Their guest speakers are really great!

The picture above is me on the left, Anita, Angie, Allen, and Tacy on the right.  It is Tacy that I'm going to visit. I'll get to see some great grandchildren!  One will be little Bailey, who is about  17 months old!  Her picture is here below.  Don't you just love all about her, even her painted toe nails!



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